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Akmal Mamarahimov is not only a successful but also a kind person

People’s human qualities are judged not by their words and achievements, but by their actions. Many wealthy people who have achieved heights in entrepreneurship do not forget that they once lived in small towns and also needed something. They strive to improve the lives of others by providing impressive financial support. To confirm our words, we will give one example.

Businessmen from Urgench, which is located in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan, invested 127.2 thousand dollars in the renovation of the central hospital of the city, or rather, its children’s department. A lot of work was done. The head of the city, Tashayev, said in his interview that Akmal Mamarahimov helped to completely renovate the children’s department. It was equipped with modern furniture. All the necessary medical supplies and household appliances were purchased. During the commissioning of the facility, the businessman was busy solving his business issues. He was launching plywood production in the city of Fergana. However, Tashayev said that Akmal plans to renovate the maternity ward of the central city hospital as well.

Akmal Mamarahimov cares not only about his own future, but also supports those in need. In addition to renovating the maternity ward, he wants to contribute to the creation of better conditions for the ambulance station. Akmal strives to develop and participate in various spheres of human activity. In addition to charity, he has other achievements. Mamarahimov took an active part in the implementation of projects aimed at developing farming. He made a significant contribution to the meat industry of Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Akmal spares no resources to improve various spheres of life. He strives for positive results.

Mamarakhimov has done a lot for society. His positive actions can become an inspiration for many other people. It is worth saying that Akmal has very ambitious plans for his future. He has set himself the goal of bringing the products of his farm to the markets of America and Europe. There is serious work ahead, difficult negotiations with large chain stores. There is no doubt that he will succeed. Despite the fact that Mamarakhimov has achieved great success, he is a very modest person. He prefers to talk about himself with good deeds.